22 - Transmission of Traits : Solution | 22 - 특성 전달 : 솔루션
22 - 특성 전달 : 솔루션 1 00:00:00,820 --> 00:00:04,110 This pie chart here, shows whether you and many of your fellow classmates think you look like your mom, your dad, both parents or you're not sure. 여기 있는 이 원형 차트는 당신과 많은 동료 반 친구들이 당신이 엄마, 아빠, 양쪽 부모와 닮았다고 생각하는지 아니면 확신하지 못하는지를 보여줍니다. 4 00:00:10,050 --> 00:00:13,310 In my mind, I would imagine that there would be roughly equal number of students who t..